Have a Kinside account?\n Sign in\n
\n You can select up to two payment methods. If you are using an FSA,\n you may need to select a second payment method to cover the total balance.\n
\nRemaining balance | \n\n {{ displayInDollars(totalRemainingWithFee) }}\n | \n
Have a Kinside account?\n Sign in\n
\nAutopay settings
\n{{ paymentsCount }} total payments
\n\n Have a Kinside account?\n Sign in\n
\n{{ payMeRequest.category }}
\n{{ method.name }} | \n{{ method.initialAmount }} | \n
Processing fee ({{ method.comissionPerc }}) | \n{{ method.comissionAmount }} | \n
Discount | \n{{ method.discountAmount }} | \n
Total amount | \n{{ displayInDollars(totalAmountToPay) }} | \n
Category | \n{{ categories[currentPayment.category] || currentPayment.category }} | \n
Payment schedule | \n{{ recurringSettings.frequency }} | \n
Last payment | \n{{lastPaymentInfo}} | \n
\n {{copy.additionalDesc}}\nWant to see your payment history?
\n\n Receive payments for everything from deposits to tuition.\n (Transactions are subject to a 2% fee)\n
\nThis is what families will see when you share this link.